Improve Your English

If you want to improve your English, this is the place for you! Whether you're a beginner or an advanced speaker, I can help you. Please read this site to learn all about me and what I do, then email me at so we can start improving your English today!

Sunday, November 21, 2004

Basic Information

The cost changes from person to person. We will determine the cost for you together. Here are some examples of factors that go into deciding the cost: how often we meet (the more regularly we meet, the better your English becomes, and the cheaper I am), how long we meet, what we do, and how many people are involved. We decide cost together. Just so you have an idea, 8 to 10 Euros per hour is my usual starting rate, but it changes a lot depending on the job and person/people.

Services I Provide:
You are the only person who can decide exactly what you want to accomplish with your time. It can be as structured or relaxed as you choose. Below are some examples of services I provide, but we will work together to decide what is right for you.
- Conversation practice
- Grammar
- Tenses
- Pronunciation
- Spelling
- Tutoring and help with specific class or work assignments
- Practice job interviews
- Working with children (for example: baby-sitting, but only speaking English)
- Reading proficiency
- Public speaking
- Literature: comprehension, analysis, theory, basic or all-around tutoring
- Poetry: comprehension, analysis, writing, workshopping, theory, basic or all-around tutoring
- Essays: composition, theory, practice
- Anything you need!